Seated Twist
Find a chair with a hollow back to it. Sit sideways into it pressing your left hip into the back. Align the feet as well as the knees (better yet, grab a block and place it between the knees, this way you’ll see the alignement in both of your legs as you go !) On the inhale lift up through the spine towards the ceiling. As you turn to face the chair back, grab hold of the chair back with the right hand as you press the palm of the left hand against the other side. Again, inhale as you lengthen the spine and on the exhale twist to the left. Now observe the knees- has the left one moved back ? Align the right hip with the left one, knees firmly together and start the twist again keeping the hips and knees squarely aligned. Roll the shoulders back and down, lift the sternum and relax the abdomen. Lengthen the sides of the trunk as you move your back ribs in and up, in a circular motion towards the upper front ribs. Breathe 4-6 breaths continuing to extend the spine on the inhales and to twist deeper into the posture on the exhales. Come back and change sides, shifting the right hip to the chair back. Repeat on the other side.